Sunday, November 25, 2012

Exercise1: gathering

The commons and Elinor Ostrom

Elenor Osrom saw "the tragedy of the commons" turned into "the comedy of the commons". Meaning that she does believe in the power of humans to organize themselves and find ways to manage common goods well and not having them privatized.

"Best of all, they (the rules) were not imposed from above. Mrs Ostrom put no faith in governments, nor in large conservation schemes paid for with aid money and crawling with concrete-bearing engineers. “Polycentrism” was her ideal. Caring for the commons had to be a multiple task, organised from the ground up and shaped to cultural norms. It had to be discussed face to face, and based on trust."
"The best-laid communal schemes would fall apart once people began to act only as individuals, or formed elites." Source:

"Tragedy of the commons" is thought in a way, that people overuse or underuse goods that are not regulated from above or owned by someone. Like fishery: the fisherman knows he should leave some fishes for keeping the population alive, but he's fishing as much as possible because he knows as well that if he does not take the fish someone else will take it.
In opposite of that is the "comedy of the commons" thought. Wikipedia is an example: the more people read and work on the articles, the better the Information gets. An not virtual but physical good could be the idea behind food cooperatives: the more peep use the cooperative, the easier it is to produce and think long term for the farmer.

Allemannsretten (Everyman's right) in Norway:

Allemannsretten is the right for anyone to use someone else's owned property.
The main part of the right is the right to pass or travel over it.
Other parts included is the right to swim in owned water, if not to close to settlements, pick berries, mushrooms and nuts and also put up a tent for one to two days. Right to fish or hunt is usually not included. Fire is also usually prohibited, though in Norway and Sweden it can be allowed with proper safety precautions.

Important to notice is that the right is only applied to "utmark" (outer grounds), meaning it doesn't apply to areas around houses, cultivated land (although allowed when frozen and snow covered) and such where it could disturb someones privacy.

Allemansretten does not come without responsibilities. Everyone using it is expected to treat the nature surroundings and people in the area with respect, not to litter or in some way harming the environment.

The right also exist in Sweden, Finland and Island, if with some differences.

Further reading:

Buliding a stove

Our idea for Tromsø was to built a stove simply and effectively in the use.
Moreover, it should needs less wood as possible to spare resources but also still provide for warmth in the job the whole day.
After a long research we discovered a stove, to which exactly this applied.

how to build a rocket stove mass heater

"The rocket store mass heater is innovative and efficient space heating system developed from the rocket stove, a type of hyper-efficient wood-burning stove."

  • rocket mass heaters in a nutshell
    • heat your home with 80% to 90% less wood
    • exhaust is nearly pure steam and CO2 (a little smoke at the beginning)
    • the heat from one fire can last for days
    • you can build one in a day and half
    • folks have built them spending less than $20


Working on the stove

…take time to think about it!
…and then it simply acts!

Aetzel Griffioen

  Tine De Moor Institutions for Collective Action 

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